Miss Spider In The Dark

Good Morning, Miss Spider

Turned on the floodlights to let the dogs out and discovered this beautiful web spread between the roof and the top of the fence. Good morning, Miss Spider.

Miss Spider In The Dark

Normally, the web would have been invisible in the fog and dark of the rainy morning, but the floodlight was perfectly positioned to illuminate my subject. As in most photography, the light is what made all of the difference.

Her web was battered by the morning winds, but she would make quick repairs. Once I captured my photo, I turned the floodlight back off so that she could enjoy her morning in peace (the dogs running around the yard totally irrelevant to her in her high perch).


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  1. Jane on September 13, 2016 at 2:41 pm

    That is a great picture. Thank you for sharing. Nature is definitely a wonder.

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