Too Hot or Too Cold
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Despite a frigid January here in Asheville, I remained firm in my conviction that being too hot is worse than being cold. In last month’s survey, I asked if you thought the same and 60% of you agreed.

Very popular survey this month with tons of comments. I read them all and have included the best responses below:
Being hot is worse than cold
Thankful that having moved to Montana in retirement, we no longer fight the awful humidity of Virginia and DC.
Something about the hormonal and other changes as we age makes me crave temperatures at or below 64° F, and clear less humid days. Our few icy snowy days were absolutely glorious!
Hot & humid is the absolute worst!
Although I have always thought that being hot is worse than being cold, this very cold New England winter is challenging that belief
Being hot is worse than cold – It’s all about the dogs
What kind of a Sibe mom would I be if I didn’t love the cold? We run every morning no matter what temperature Pennsylvania throws at us. Its exhilarating! Cold is so much better than sticky hot and humid.
I actually feel like we have had a half way decent winter in upstate NY this year for my new rescue Husky. Lots of cold and a decent amount of snow for a change. We hate heat!!!
I do have to laugh at your notion that “94 consecutive hours below freezing” is so bad, but as a northerner we endure below freezing temperatures for a week at a time or longer. The cold temperatures are never a problem for me, but I do dislike it when it dips below 20 degrees as that seems to be the threshold where our pups can’t tolerate the cold on their paws and require booties to spend enough time outside to do their “business”. While our dogs aren’t huskies, they are coated dogs, and their bodies never get cold. As I get older (north of 60) the wrestling match required to get the booties on is a challenge. Our pups are fairly well behaved once I get them close to me but they are reluctant to come when they see the booties come out.
Being hot is worse than cold – The layering of clothes
I live on the Gulf Coast where the real temp can get well over 100 degrees in the dead of summer, for days on end. Your a/c can’t keep up and you can only take off so many clothes. At least you can bundle up, build a fire, grab blankets when it is cold. Plus, the lack of mosquitoes where it is cold makes this question a no brainer!
You can always keep layering up, but it is hard when you can only take off so many pieces of clothing. Plus when I’m at work . . . hot just makes my brain shut down.
You can always add more layers to get warm. Removing my skin to get rid of the sticky sweat would be so embarrassing, I would be mortified.
If it’s cold, you can always layer more clothes, but there’s a limit to how much you can take off and remain “decent”, excluding poolside or beach.
If you’ve ever lived in Florida in the summer you’ll understand! You can put on extra sweaters and socks if you’re cold but there’s definitely a limit to how much you can take off when you’re hot!
You can only take off so many clothes 😉
Being cold is worse than hot
I have a bit of arthritis and warmth always feels better!
With the cold came the ice. I can dress in warm clothes, but can’t walk on the ice with a husky that loves to pull!
The cold in central New York has been brutal and the frequent snow this year . The older I get the harder it is to deal with.
Growing up along the shores of Lake Erie, it was hard to believe those weather reports of 70’s and 80’s during our coldest months of Dec – March. Now that we’ve spent 8 years in the sunny south, I have to say, it would be very difficult to go back to that kind of cold. Old bones really like the warmth!
I was born in the summer in July. I love the sun and everything associated with summer. In winter, I can layer and layer and layer. In the summer, I can dress lightly. Being cold is worse than hot. I vote heat.
A different perspective
One is never happy with the weather!
Life is meant to be lived between 45 degrees F and 85 degrees F, which is why I might need to retire to Western Washington (SIGH).
When it’s hot, we go from our A/C house, to our A/C car, to the A/C store. Winter in northern MN, we go from our warm house, to our warm car that’s been running 15 minutes, to the warm store
Northern climate cold is fine. 10 degrees Fahrebheit up north feels warmer than southern cold
Don’t forget to take this month’s survey by going here.