Monthly Reader Survey

Each month, I ask the readers of my newsletter a question or two. Sometimes, my questions are random fun things that have nothing to do with books. Other queries are about reading and writing.

Join in the fun and answer this month's survey. The results will be shared in next month's newsletter and here on the website, so be sure you're subscribed.

    This summer has been relentlessly hot here in Asheville, several degrees above normal. To avoid the heat, pools are crowded, air conditioners are running hard, and cold food and drink are selling well. That made me wonder about your favorite way to stay cool on a hot day, so let me hear from you.

    Air ConditioningSwimmingCold drinksIce cream / cold foodOther / Something else

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    Please share any thoughts or comments. I will share the best in the write up posted on the website.


    If you want a reply, please include your email address. Otherwise, the survey is completely confidential and I have no way to answer you.

    A thank you will appear below when your answer has been received

    Privacy Note - I value my subscribers and do all I can to protect your privacy. These answers will be used exclusively by me and will not be shared with anyone except in aggregate (no personal identifying information) in next month's newsletter. I retain no identifying information with the answers you provide (unless you voluntarily provide your name and email address).

    Previous Reader Surveys

    Favorite Summer Song - D.K. Wall Reader Survey Results

    Favorite Summer Song

    July 5, 2024 |

    Summer conjures memories of carefree days with friends, riding bikes, and listening to the radio. What are your favorite summer songs?

    Read Survey Results and Comments
    Should restaurants sing happy birthday

    Should Restaurants Do The Birthday Serenade?

    June 3, 2024 |

    Survey results: 50% dislike birthday serenades in restaurants, 25% enjoy watching others squirm, and some love the attention. Read more!

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Salsa: Spicy or Not?

    April 30, 2024 |

    Nothing quite like a bowl of warm nachos, especially with some delicious salsa, but do you prefer spicy hot, cooly mild, or somewhere in between?

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Tacos—Hard or Soft Shell?

    March 31, 2024 |

    What could possibly be a more important question to ask you, Dear Readers. Which is your favorite taco—hard shell or soft shell?

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    How Do You Like Your Coffee?

    March 5, 2024 |

    A steaming cup of strong, black coffee awaits me every morning. But what about my readers. Do they add cream/milk, sugar, both, or none?

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Favorite Cold Weather Meal

    February 5, 2024 |

    When winter is throwing its worst at you, what’s your favorite cold weather meal? My readers weigh in on this hot topic.

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Favorite Wintertime Hot Drinks

    December 31, 2023 |

    If one of my readers curled up with a good book on a cold, wintry night, what would be their favorite hot drink?

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Favorite and Not-So-Favorite Christmas Songs

    December 5, 2023 |

    What’s my reader’s favorite Christmas songs? Least favorite? And how did one reader describe their three least favorite songs in one mashup?

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    When Should Christmas Music Play?

    October 31, 2023 |

    With Christmas decorations already going up everywhere, I asked reader when should Christmas music play? The results were clear.

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Can You Hear Me Now?

    October 7, 2023 |

    Did your phone scream for your attention during the U.S. government’s recent test of the emergency alert system?

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    How Do You Greet Trick-Or-Treaters?

    October 2, 2023 |

    Mystical creatures will soon be knocking on your door and offering the choice between trick-or-treat. Do my readers enjoy the festivities?

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    What Signals the Beginning of Fall?

    September 3, 2023 |

    With cool mornings and hints of color, it already feels like the beginning of fall. I asked readers what triggers their thinking of the season.

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