One of the hundred books a year I read:

One of the hundred books a year I read:

Charles Krauthammer Point Of it All v2

The Point of It All: A Lifetime of Great Loves and Endeavors

Charles Krauthammer

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In the summer of 2018, Charles Krauthammer lost his battle to cancer. He left behind a nearly completed collection of some of his numerous of essays, most written as the Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the Washington Post.

As I say often, I rarely say whether a book is well or poorly-written, simply because I will quit reading and never review something that isn’t worth my time. So any book I finish is well-written. Instead, I focus on what the book is about so you can decide whether or not you will enjoy it.

Importantly, though, I have to mention craft when discussing Krauthammer because of his incredible skill with the English language. His writing sings with the poetry of well-crafted sentences and extensive vocabulary. Even if you never find yourself agreeing with him (and I would find it hard to believe that you couldn’t find at least something), most readers will appreciate his structure.

And so the key to your enjoyment are his views. He pulls no punches with his pro-American, conservative world view which is what most people identify him with, though it would be a mistake to classify him from a partisan perspective (many Republicans felt his criticism) or even to dismiss (or embrace) him because of the single word “conservative.” His views on many political hot topics are far more complex and nuanced than a simple classification in a box.

As for me, I enjoy reading views from both ends of the political spectrum (which is why I read Michelle Obama’s Becoming just a few weeks ago).

He also writes about his other loves (baseball and chess), about the Jewish faith and Israel, and about his own challenges with physical disabilities (he used a wheelchair after being paralyzed in a diving accident while in medical school).

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