One of the hundred books a year I read:

One of the hundred books a year I read:

JT Ellison Lie To Me

Lie To Me

J.T. Ellison

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Ethan is hailed as a literary genius, though he is struggling to write his next great novel. Sutton is a commercial fiction success. Together, the married couple shares the spotlight as the perfect authors on the social circuit.

Their idyllic facade hides a complex web of deceits and lies, all of which is forced to the bright spotlight of public spectacle when Sutton disappears with only a cryptic note left behind. Adding to the mystery, Sutton’s three closest friends each have a different perspective of what happened and who she is.

To be a little blunt, I didn’t care much for either the husband or the wife. They both create their own problems, largely by being dishonest (or worse) with each other.

But the saving grace is my favorite character, Franklin Police Officer Holly Graham. She is a good patrol officer and wanting to become a detective and is—somewhat inexplicably—given the lead role in the investigation. She is smart, tough, and very persistent. Her internal dialogue is fun to listen to as she unravels the mystery.

Side note – It’s also great to read of a police department with solid leaders who promote teamwork. So many fictional crime dramas include a lot of backroom politics, but not this time.

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