One of the hundred books a year I read:

One of the hundred books a year I read:

Stephen Pastis Timmy Failure Mistakes Were Made

Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made

Stephen Pastis

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Pastis is the cartoonist of the daily strip Pearls Before Swine. Fans of the comic strip will probably enjoy the book. And if you dislike that humor, move along. That’s about as simple as it gets.

Timmy Failure is the CEO of the world’s best and largest detective agency, if only his mom, school, teachers, girls, and his total lack of detective skills didn’t interfere. His partner is a polar bear who spends most of his time eating because, well, what else do polar bears do?

As he moves from crime to crime, always avoiding the easy, straight-forward solution for the complex conspiracies, hilarity ensues. Peppered with Pastis’s unique style of comedic drawings, the story is squarely aimed at its middle school audience. And if some adults end up laughing throughout the tale, just consider that collateral damage.

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