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Alligator Burglars and Social Media Scorn

August 8, 2021 |

This time last year, we were dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Isaias—fallen trees, flooding, alligator burglars, and social media scorn.

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My Memory Fails Me

August 1, 2021 |

When a creative idea hits, I need to remember it. When I forget how I remember, though, I know my memory fails me.

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Hard Words

July 25, 2021 |

You would think someone who makes his living writing wouldn’t have a problem with hard words, but this will convince you I do.

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This App Is All Wet

July 18, 2021 |

Walking the dogs is challenging enough in our ever-changing weather, but the weather app I use for guidance is all wet.

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Joy In Any Language

July 11, 2021 |

A regular encounter with a communication barrier taught us something the dogs already knew – you can find joy in any language.

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The Bench Is Back

July 4, 2021 |

I have a ridiculously over-sized, over-built, and over-weight workbench that has made two house moves. I’m happy to report the bench is back.

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June 27, 2021 |

Too many story ideas and too many distractions mean my editors have imposed deadlines on me. That’s good — and painful.

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June 20, 2021 |

A recent summer evening brought back the magic of fireflies flitting about on a summer evening.

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What I Read As A Kid

June 13, 2021 |

A meme sparked memories of what I read as a kid, and the books were not exactly children’s classic literature.

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Kids Today

June 6, 2021 |

Kids today have it so much easier, even if they might be a wee bit safer than my own generation.

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Honoring The Fallen

May 30, 2021 |

Memorial Day is a solemn day for honoring the fallen—the brave men and women who have given their lives for our country.

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A Simple Handshake

May 23, 2021 |

He extended his hand. I gripped and shook. A simple handshake. No big deal, right? Except it was my first in over a year.

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