Cranberry Sauce
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For those of you in the U.S., are you planning your Thanksgiving dinner menu? Just in time to help you, I asked readers what they thought of cranberry sauce’s role in that meal.
Did I ever strike a nerve! Answers flooded in and were as passionate as the Duke’s versus Hellman’s mayonnaise survey.
The result is that there is no clear winner:

The comments, as always, are my favorite part. You sure didn’t disappoint. I did my best to group them so that you can sample the flavor.
Summing up the debate
Only whole berry cranberry sauce. Keep that jellied stuff far, far away.
My grandmother always made it from scratch every year and used real chunks of fruit in it. I always thought it was gross and never ate it.
The can fans
I love it with the can lines visible as it sits in bowl. As much as I enjoy the homemade cranberry sauce, I’m a somewhat a philistine when it comes to cranberry sauce. From the can please.
From a can. Why am I embarrassed to admit this? I mean it comes out in a can shape like dog food.
The homemade fans
When asked what the best thing about Thanksgiving was, my 7-year old grandson said, “Grandma’s cranberry sauce.” I couldn’t ask for a better endorsement.
I always proudly make my own homemade cranberry sauce; however, I’m pretty much the only one who eats it. Am I worth it, considering some may get frozen or thrown out? You bet!
But it’s expected…
I do not eat cranberry sauce of any kind, but it HAS to be on the table for Thanksgiving, even if it is just for show.
Mom always opened a can of cranberry sauce and sliced it. No one touched it.
The diplomatic approach
Both kinds are most excellent on a leftover turkey sandwich the next day!
I always serve both canned and homemade. Men seem to like the canned variety best, while the women prefer homemade. Either way you have to have some version with the sandwiches next day!
A must have
Truthfully, I would have picked both options. From the can and homemade cranberry sauce is a must for me at Thanksgiving.
Cranberry in ANY form is almost more important to Thanksgiving than the Turkey!
The verdict is still out
Believe it or not, I have never eaten cranberry sauce. I’m seriously considering trying it this Thanksgiving though, because with age, my tastes are changing somewhat. My dear wife has consented to make her father’s recipe for cranberry sauce. There, you have it-at the ripe old age of 61, I will eat cranberry sauce for the first time!
That was a lot of fun. Feel free to join the conversation by adding your comments below.
And go take the current survey here.
I grew up only having cranberry sauce from the can so AQS an adult it seemed strange to have homemade with chunks in it. I still prefer the smooth from the can.