Favorite School Subject
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Thanks to Hurricane Helene’s disruption of life here in Asheville, I’m nearly a month late posting these results.
Worse for the kids, they missed several weeks of school. It wasn’t like a snow day when they could get outside and play, because all we had was chaos. Fortunately, they have returned and now face the daunting task of making up lost time.
Anyway, back when I asked this question, school was just starting for the year and I asked what your favorite subjects were. The results were quite widespread, with history and literature leading the polling, but science and math not far behind.

As always, the most fun of doing these surveys for me is to read your comments. I’ve summarized some of the best below.
I love your fiction, but most of history beats fiction anytime. I mean, catapulting plague-infected cadavers over a city wall as a 14th century adaptation of biological warfare. You can’t make this stuff up!
Hmmmmm. I must work that into a novel somewhere.
When I was in high school, I took a class on North Carolina history plus learned so much! To this day, I still read about N.C. history plus the computer helps some!
I try to work some North Carolina history into the backstory of my novels. Amazing how many events from a century or two ago still affect the way people react today.
As you are a weather geek, I am a history geek. Ask me about the Battle of Waynesville (ok, it was really a skirmish, but local history geeks prefer “battle”).
I still find the past more interesting than the present we are currently living in.
Nothing like losing yourself inside a good book and all the adventures shared!
Still love to read. Almost all genres, but love mysteries and fantasy/sci fi…. Just finished reading a murder mystery by an Icelandic writer (Legacy by Yrsa Siggursdottir). Very interesting and very dark. And at the same time was reading Tusks of Extinction by Ray Nayler.
Literature and reading have served me well. Not all of what I have read could qualify as “great” literature but were fun. At 81 I still look forward to a good book.
I can’t confine myself to one subject, I ticked literature but in my high school it was under the heading of English’. Music was also a favourite subject. Part of that was being in the school choir, which I loved and of course lunch/recess was great. I attended an all girls school so getting together with friends was great as school was the only place I saw some of them. That was high school but my favourite ‘subject’ in primary school was English country dancing!
Math and History were close seconds.
My favorite subject, that I still enjoy some 50+ years later was/is Earth Science. I should have gone in that direction instead of computers. Who knew the Weather Channel would arrive!!!
In college, I started out towards the medical field with a sudden and unexpected road block ended up in Business Administration and accounting!
My High School teacher was a wonderful nun named Sister Mary Ruth. She had such enthusiasm teaching us Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry. In her teachings, she always delighted how great God was in his creation of earth & all that lived there. She would exclaim with excitement at the beauty of a single cell amoeba, the circulatory system of man, the wonder of nature. Her classes were filled with joy but the amazing part was that she was teaching us on a college level. I never realized that until I went to college & all my science classes were a repeat of what she had taught us. I still thank her for giving me a love of science. I now try to share that with my granddaughters. We sit & explore volcanoes, insects, & animals. However they prefer not to look at pictures of circulatory system, bones etc. They consider that yucky!😂
Numbers are fascinating! I’ve always been a counter. I count everything, train cars, ceiling tiles at the dentist office and birds flying in formation😂
I think about numbers morning to night, they are so fascinating really
Math was and is my favorite . In fact I became a bank manager for my career.
I loved math and that love followed me into adulthood as I chose to persue a degree in Accounting and worked in the field for over 40 years.
Math was fav for mind, and music (band) was actually the combo of music, exercise (marching band) and social group. Band was, I thought, the biggest org group in our school. So, even if I didn’t know know them all, and even if there were cliques, I recognized & belonged & participated. Introverts have a hard time getting to that point, so I was/am always grateful.
It was because of the teacher! Some teachers are extraordinarily engaging!
So very true. Great teachers are priceless.
Music / Art
It served me well, I am a retired music teacher.
I loved art so much that my 4th grade teacher in the Catholic School I went to allowed me to actually teach a class one day- I taught the class how to make a paper Swan decoration, So much fun 😊
Band was my favorite. I played French Horn and Mellophone. I hated being at school at 7:20 for band practice and being at band camp in the middle of summer, but it was so worth it. I learned so many life lessons by being in the band. Other than that, I was pretty much a science and math nerd.
Being in a performing music group was the best for having friends and activities beyond classes and homework. It set me up to perform with college and community orchestras well into my forties.
Other / Something Else
Geography! I know I’m old.
Don’t forget to take this month’s survey by going here. Barring any new hurricanes disrupting our lives, I will publish the results later this month.
I loved mystery and drama at school. With a touch of thrilling times. I love a good mystery