How Hot is Too Hot?
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With the summer heat building in Asheville, I complained, but also acknowledged that many of you deal with far higher temperatures than we do. So, I asked, how hot is too hot? Must have been a “hot” topic because I received a record number of responses. The results are summarized in this chart:

As always, I read every comment and pick out some of the best to share with you. Sorry I can’t share them all, but this post would go on for ages:
Heat? What heat?
I don’t even notice that people are perspiring as I walk around with a sweater on. Some like it hot and I can attest to that fact.
I am a native Texan, born and bred, so I like it hot! We are hot, humid, and huge, even if Alaska beats us out as #1.
I love the heat and hate the winter. Bring it on! I dislike air conditioning and rarely use an electric fan. At most, I use a handheld paper fan like those of long ago.
90 is just conditioning training, really. It gets hot at 101, really hot at 105, and miserably scorching at 106 and up.
Avoid the heat!
Anything 85 degrees on up is hellish, hostile to human life, and inhumane!
I treat summer as something to survive. October can’t come fast enough!
I start sweating (not glistening) and getting really uncomfortable when the temps get over about 76, so I dread seeing forecasts for 80s and above.
If I don’t have to leave my house for anything absolutely necessary, I don’t.
You did not have the option I needed. I think of hot when it gets to be 70 degrees or above with no breeze.
I’ll take snow and a blizzard any day over 90 with humidity that makes it “feel like” almost 100 any day!!!!!!
It’s not the heat. It’s the humidity.
I think you need to add the dreaded HUMIDITY!
Also need to consider the ‘real feel’ temperature, which includes humidity. Any humidity above 50% will make even 80 degrees feel too hot.
Actually, I think anytime the humidity is over 50% while in the 80s is too hot.
100 is hot where I grew up—San Diego County. Now that I’ve been punished for something I’ve yet to figure out and am in humid Texas, 80 and up is hot!!
It is the humidity that makes it so unbearable. 5:00 in the morning and it is 80 degrees but with NO airflow. Sweat will pool up on my arms when I am walking or running and I have to shake them to get it off. Miserable. Starts in June and lasts until September (if we are lucky).
It is the humidity that makes the heat so unpleasant.
I am now living in the PNW and people here start complaining about humidity at about 30%. As an East Coast transplant, I contend that they have no idea what humidity is.
I am so grateful for no humidity. I would never leave the house if I lived where you do.
It is a “dry heat” here in southern California. That is good because I hate humidity.
Thankful for air conditioning
Too hot to do anything but stay in air conditioning or water.
Above 90 is when my central air struggles to keep it cool inside.
Here we can hit 90’s in the summer and -30’s in the winter. But no mosquitos in the winter.
Before menopause, hot was 90 plus. Now it’s 80 to 89.
After reading the comments, I’m rooting for fall to get here soon. That’s good, because this month’s survey asks when fall arrives. Take the survey and be part of the fun.