Morning Person or Night Owl?
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As an avid morning person, I enjoy the quiet time before sunrise when no one else is awake. I well recognize, though, that many people do their best work later in the day.
And so I asked my readers. Are you a morning person, evening, or night owl? The results:

So many great comments this month, so I did my best to highlight the ones that were the most enlightening or entertaining.
The morning crew
I’ve been a morning person my entire life. My friend’s parents hated me because I’d be calling at 8am on Saturday mornings. For me this was late since I had already been 2-3 hours.
Mornings are the best!!!
The dark of the night
I’ve been a night owl since my earliest memories as a child, lying in bed reading by the light from the hall or by a flashlight.
I feel this one, too, though reading Stephen King’s ‘Salem’s Lot in the middle of the night may not have been my best kid move.
Just not the afternoons
I have tendencies of both a morning person and a night owl. What I’m not is a mid-afternoon person; please give me a nap @ 2:00-4:00 PM!
A note on this one, because I feel the pain. Early afternoon is awful for me to concentrate. We moved our second dog walk of the day to early afternoon followed by an hour at the gym. Then I settle back into my chair at 3 or so to knock out a few tasks, but nothing too taxing.
The change over years
As a teen and 20-something I would stay up all night working, writing, or driving long distances. Thirty years later, I’ll hit the ground running before dawn but can’t stay awake past 11 p.m.
The retirement impact – one way or the other
I used to be a morning person by circumstance but retirement has let my true self emerge.
You can’t see a beach sunrise if you sleep in. And there are all those retiree breakfasts to attend.
A lot of us can relate
Pre-Covid I had an office & kept to a routine of 6 am wake up. Working from home was my downfall!! Sleep & stay up too late.
Feel free to join the conversation by adding your comments below.
And go take the current survey here.
Wow! I’m surprised only 54% are morning people. When I was working I felt like such a odd duck because I was a night owl!