Tacos—Hard or Soft Shell?
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One of my favorite restaurants from Folly Beach (SC), Taco Boy, opened new locations here in Asheville. During one of our many frequent visits, we discussed how the hard shell tacos of our youth seem to have disappeared, replaced by soft shell.
What could possibly be a more important question to ask you, Dear Readers. Which is your favorite taco—hard shell or soft shell? The results were quite split:

Based on the messages I receive every month, though, the numbers aren’t nearly as popular as your responses. Here are some of this month’s best:
Hard Shell
I will eat the soft tacos when I am old and have no teeth. Until then, hard tacos all the way.
Hard shell, even though they may break apart. The broken pieces can be used as dip chips to pick up the rest of the filling
Doritos Locos hard shelled taco supremes from Taco Bell are our favorite fast food tacos! When you move to soft shell, the males in my family prefer burritos, the more stuffed the better.
Soft Shell
Hard shells are too messy.
Soft shell corn, not flour!!!
Soft shell. And it needs to be a corn tortilla . . . they are the best. Flour tortillas work for fajitas . . . but corn for tacos. 🙂
I’d give equal weight to both hard and soft shelled varieties. Which is why Taco Bell (that bastion of fine dining) has a double decker taco that uses both hard and soft shells.
I can go with either hard or soft shell! But, if forced then soft shell.
I really love hard shell Tacos but can eat soft shell if hard shell is not available!
What about those of us who love soft and hard tacos equally??
Hunger Pangs
Any tacos are awesome
I love tacos, no matter what shell they come in!!
Tough question!!! Love them both!!!!!
You’re making me crave a taco now
If nothing else made you hungry, this will
Two options in case you can’t decide: 1) Slather your soft taco with refried beans or queso dip. Wrap this around your hard taco shell, and fill as desired. 2) To make a hard taco shell from a soft taco, fry up some cheese, like cheddar or jack, in a non-stick pan. When it starts to get melty, golden brown and crispy around the edges, lay a soft taco shell over this melty goodness. If you time it right, when you flip it out there is a crunchy layer of cheese to cradle your taco fillings. Who needs to choose when you can have soft and crunchy all in one?
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