What Signals the Beginning of Fall?
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As hot as our last few weeks have been, I’ve dreamed of the beginning of fall. Finally, we’re starting to feel cooler temperatures in the morning and see the first hints of fall color in the trees. And, in my mind, September 1 signals the start of autumn (what’s known as meteorological fall). I asked you signals you see that make you think fall has begun. Those cool mornings and hints of colors are what most of you chose.

And now for the best part—the comments! I read them all and here are my favorites:
Location is everything
The first cool morning…which in South Alabama means November or December.
If we waited for genuinely cool mornings or colorful leaves or any other natural signs of fall, we’d be waiting until mid-December some years.
As a longtime resident of North Texas, it’s the first time I go out in the morning, and it’s just a little cool. I say to myself “Ahhh…almost fall. ” This usually happens early in October.
The Land Down Under
With respect, we in Australia are in winter until 1st September when we enter Spring. Summer commences on 1st December then, guess what? Autumn begins on 1st March.
Things I didn’t think of
First day of school
The trees losing their leaves.
The smell of burning leaves as folks rake them up and burn them. Actually, they burn them only after the children and/or dogs get through playing in them.
When I can leave the windows open at night without a fan running.
The encroaching darkness is a sure sign that fall is here.
When Braves baseball and UGA football collide. And Asheville Tourist baseball season ends.
When flocks of geese start traveling in their famous “V” patterns.
The sign I know the most
When the huskies start getting up to antics. I call it “the sap rising in the huskies”. They have been melted puddles all summer. But when they start getting excited, want to go for long walks, sleep outside, etc.
Now we can look down the calendar and see Halloween approaching. Soon enough, costumed kids will be ringing the doorbell and asking for candy. Since we lived for years without a single trick-or-treater, I’ve enjoyed being in a neighborhood in Asheville and participating in the festivities. I wondered what you think of the tradition, so I asked. Take the survey and be part of the fun.
We are fostering a Sibe for the 1st time, after losing our Nika fairly suddenly May 1st. Brought Carley home Sunday. We are becoming used to each other and to her cone head (spayed Friday). I can tell she’s more comfortable with us, here, now, and she’s acting like her sap is rising! I sense a foster failure!