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    Living the coastal life on a salt marsh comes with many perks. Sitting on the back deck at sunset sipping wine and watching the majestic birds tops that list.

    A great egret flew low over the water, its massive wings casting shadows on the marsh grass. Slightly smaller than his great blue heron cousin, his wing span reaches five-and-a-half feet.

    His flight is effortless in the breeze, barely any movement needed to stay aloft as he soars toward us.

    As he approaches the end of our yard, we grow silent, mesmerized by his majestic grace. Benefitting from a rising thermal of warm air, he gains altitude as he banks in an arching turn over the pool.

    At this point, we receive a reminder of Mother Nature’s humor. She enthralls us with her magic, and then reminds us of her gritty function.

    Pilot to bombardier—Target approaching.

    Bombardier to pilot—Target locked.

    Pilot to bombardier—Fire at will.

    Bombardier to pilot—Bombs away.

    As I mentioned, these are big birds. They’re capable of big, er, production.

    This explains how I decided the pool needed cleaning one winter evening as I sipped my wine on the back deck.

    Books I’m Reading

    Three sisters live with their mother in isolation from the world without any of the modern niceties we’re all accustomed to. When the youngest child falls ill, mom leaves to take her to the nearest town for help, but they never return. As the days turn to weeks and then months, the two sisters grow desperate. When a stranger arrives, they escape only to stumble upon a secret hidden from them for their whole lives.

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    Interesting Links

    Merriam-Webster adds 520 new words—Dictionaries need updating regularly to keep up with our ever-changing vocabulary. The venerable MW has released the current year additions of new words, many connected to the COVID-19 experience and our tumultuous culture wars. Your task is to work them all into your conversations.

    Gratuitous Dog Picture

    Brotherly Love

    Nothing says brotherly love nearly as well as a good morning chomp. His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey demonstrates his sibling care upon his little brother Roscoe, who is doing his best to escape the affection.


    1. Jean Burkhardt on February 1, 2021 at 12:45 pm

      Roscoe is saying-“Please I KNOW you love me Typhoon BUT don’t be SO loving”!!

    2. Nicole Tester on February 1, 2021 at 1:26 pm

      Great photo!

    3. Debbie and Ruby on February 1, 2021 at 1:57 pm

      Run Roscoe Run!!

    4. Caroline Rivard on February 2, 2021 at 12:40 am

      Stop biting my ear

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      This summer has been relentlessly hot here in Asheville, several degrees above normal. To avoid the heat, pools are crowded, air conditioners are running hard, and cold food and drink are selling well. That made me wonder about your favorite way to stay cool on a hot day, so let me hear from you.

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      Enjoyed the Story? Try a Short Story

      Secrets, passions, and a reunion that changes everything

      Benjamin Walsh sees his wife, Nicole, walking down a city street. With her busy schedule at work, he doesn't know how she found time to get away, but tries to catch up to say hello.

      To his surprise, she greets an old friend of hers, Eduardo Rivera. Eduardo left town two decades earlier to pursue a theatrical career in New York. What is he doing back?

      Benjamin is shocked when Eduardo and Nicole embrace. They disappear through a door together. With understanding of what is happening, Benjamin realizes he has only one choice.

      Publication Date: February 6, 2024

      Format: E-book (EPUB, MOBI, PDF)

      Pages: 38

      Price: Pay what you want (Minimum 99¢ to cover processing costs)