It has been raining for the last six days and is supposed to rain for several more days, so I had to take advantage of a break in the precipitation to get outside and take a few pictures around the house. As much as anything, I just wanted to get out of the house and walk around for a few minutes before our monsoon-like weather started back up. Fortunately, the sun peeking from behind the clouds was highlighting the early color of fall.
So with camera in hand, I walked in front of the house. Since we are the only traffic on the road – excepting an occasional ranch vehicle or some horse riders, the road to our house is beginning to be covered by fallen leaves.

You get such lovely colors where you are. In the Rocky Mountains, it’s mainly green then gold. We do have aspens that flicker in the sun, however. Every region has its beauty.
I am transported into a completely different realm through your exquisite landscapes. So very lovely!