Monthly Reader Survey

Each month, I ask the readers of my newsletter a question or two. Sometimes, my questions are random fun things that have nothing to do with books. Other queries are about reading and writing.

Join in the fun and answer this month's survey. The results will be shared in next month's newsletter and here on the website, so be sure you're subscribed.

    This summer has been relentlessly hot here in Asheville, several degrees above normal. To avoid the heat, pools are crowded, air conditioners are running hard, and cold food and drink are selling well. That made me wonder about your favorite way to stay cool on a hot day, so let me hear from you.

    Air ConditioningSwimmingCold drinksIce cream / cold foodOther / Something else

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    Please share any thoughts or comments. I will share the best in the write up posted on the website.


    If you want a reply, please include your email address. Otherwise, the survey is completely confidential and I have no way to answer you.

    A thank you will appear below when your answer has been received

    Privacy Note - I value my subscribers and do all I can to protect your privacy. These answers will be used exclusively by me and will not be shared with anyone except in aggregate (no personal identifying information) in next month's newsletter. I retain no identifying information with the answers you provide (unless you voluntarily provide your name and email address).

    Previous Reader Surveys

    How Hot is Too Hot?

    July 30, 2023 |

    I complain about our summer heat in Asheville but know many of you deal with far higher temperatures. So, I asked, how hot is too hot?

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Best Food to Grill

    July 3, 2023 |

    During summer, thoughts turn to backyard grilling and tasty meals. What menu item comes to your mind when firing up the grill?

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Summer Vacation Plans

    June 7, 2023 |

    Like us, many of you stick as close to home as possible or do mini-vacations or day trips for your summer vacation plans.

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Frequency of Spring Cleaning

    May 1, 2023 |

    I asked readers whether they partake in the annual rite of spring cleaning. The divided results demonstrate the many different approaches.

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Favorite Easter Candy

    April 2, 2023 |

    I asked readers about their favorite Easter candy. Hundreds of responses revealed a tight race between Cadbury Eggs and chocolate bunnies.

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    When Does Spring Begin?

    February 27, 2023 |

    When I asked readers “When does spring begin?” I offered three choices, but you came back with more varied answers.

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Best Valentine’s Day Gift?

    January 30, 2023 |

    Just in time to help you decide what to give to your loved ones, I asked my readers what the best Valentine’s Day gift would be.

    Read Survey Results and Comments

    Morning Person or Night Owl?

    January 2, 2023 |

    Readers share their opinions of their favorite time of day. Are you a morning person, afternoon, or dedicated night owl?

    Read Survey Results and Comments


    December 5, 2022 |

    Just in time for the holiday season, I asked you what you thought about fruitcake. To put it nicely, my readers aren’t huge fans.

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    Cranberry Sauce

    October 31, 2022 |

    My readers share their opinion and comments about the most controversial item on the Thanksgiving menu—Cranberry sauce.

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    Scariest Monsters

    October 3, 2022 |

    With Halloween rapidly approaching, I had to ask my readers what are the scariest monsters. Here are the frightening answers.

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    Pumpkin Spice: Love It Or Leave It?

    September 6, 2022 |

    Fall is in the air and so is the scent of pumpkin spice, so I had to ask your opinion about the plethora of products that hit the market this time of year.

    Read Survey Results and Comments